Quantum Physics Students Learn Experience in Math and Science

Physics (in Ancient Greek: Physikos), romanized: phus ‘kosmos’ (across’science’), is the science of physical laws based on classical physics and engineering. It deals with definite principles of design and structure of atomic and molecular entities in matter. Its scope includes space physics, classical physics, nuclear physics, and cosmology. The modern concepts of quantum mechanics, condensed matter and high energy physics are not involved in this field. A physical law is a universal or abstract law whose meaning is understood by the people who study it.

Classical physics deals with matter in measurable quantities such as space, time, matter of specific energy states, gravity, sound and vibration. The first part of classical mechanics deals with matter and its forces. It consists of three parts namely: mechanics of the atomic and molecular atoms, laws of classical mechanics and the concepts of energy, motion and nuclear energy. It is an extremely complex field having many branches and sub branches. Every portion of this field is entirely different from the other and the relationship between them is also different.

Quantum mechanics (QM) is a part of physics dealing with the behavior of extremely small entities. It is a well-known theory, which was first predicted by Albert Einstein. This theory explains how energy is distributed according to quantum factors. It also describes how wave-particle interactions lead to the development of matter. QM has many predictions such as the existence of a God-wave, the future of the human species and the future of the universe.

Planck’s Law is one of the most widely used and most mathematically correct laws of physics. It is formulated as: “The value of a system is the sum of its center temperatures.” Planck’s law is actually a special case of another law called the Heisenberg’s Constant which expresses the average density of the electron. The Planck’s Constant is actually a term used for the unperveducated vacuum energy of space-time. In order to measure Planck’s constant, Planck used an apparatus whose size was much smaller than that of Planck’s body. The results showed that the sum of the values of Planck’s constant, which is also the density of the electrons, is zero.

Quantum electrodynamic theory (QET) is another branch of physics which deals with the study of the subtle properties of electromagnetic fields. QET was formulated by James Clerk Maxwell, who generalized QM by assuming that light and sound waves possess only a single frequency, which is also the frequency of the natural frequencies produced by bodies in space. The QETists postulate that space-time has a distinguishable structure, which they call a geometry, with definite geometrical regularities. According to them the basic structure of space-time must be studied using techniques such as quantum mechanics, lattice quantum physics, and Lie algebra. The QETists have also developed many concepts like time traveling, time reversal, and teleporting.

The Qutiful QFTs suggest an interesting link between general relativity and quantum mechanics, in the sense that a change in the energy quanta, independent of other physical laws, may influence the outcome of a process. Physicists have developed a variety of test methods in order to detect the existence of such energy quanta, which are produced in correlated pairs by some accelerators. A special kind of accelerator called the magnetohydron accelerator, which uses strong magnetic fields in combination with radio frequencies for producing particles, was invented by Robert J. Wilson, who worked closely with Planck. After his death, Professor Wilson planned to apply his ideas to studying space and traveling through it, thus making him the first person to propose the idea of a space-time continuum.

Another important aspect of the physics of atoms is the study of the strong and weak nuclear forces. Atoms consist of two neutrons and one proton, which make them responsible for the balance of electromagnetic energy produced by the atoms. In Particle Physics, the study of the properties of matter based on the behavior of very tiny particles is done. The Standard Model of Particle Physics, which was developed by Albert Einstein and formulated using his unified field theory, can be used to study the behavior of elementary particles. His general theory of relativity further refined the Standard Model of Particle Physics by introducing a set of new concepts such as the symmetries of the elementary particles.

The predictions of Einstein’s theory of relativity, on the other hand, were far more profound because they were proved mathematically, at least in relation to general relativity. His discoveries on the creation and survival of subatomic particles gave rise to many more outstanding results in the areas of condensed matter and general theory of relativity. On the other hand, some of his results were criticized by fellow physicists because they could not easily be explained by his theory. These discrepancies between his theories and realizations led him to renounce his theory of relativity and become a quantum mechanic only.